Enhanced and fully customisable registration and qualification validations.
Hand over the responsibility of safeguarding your workforce compliancy.
A reduced TCO.
Time-saving in validating documents and qualifications of your workforce.
A safer working environment.
Your workforce is only allowed to work when they have all certifications in order.
Minimised carbon footprint.
Smoothen your access control by having all compliancy checks done beforehand and prevent unnecessary travel movements to and from your site.
Main features
Central Diploma Register
With the real-time link to the Central Diploma Register, diploma’s (such as VCA) and qualification certificates are automatically checked and follow-up steps are addressed if applicable.
ID Checker
GoCompliance is integrated with the online identity verification services of Datachecker and Keesing.
• Including: Right To Work and A1 check.
Check in at work
(Specific for Belgian partners)
A real-time link with Check In At Work for Belgian projects and partners.
• Including attendance registration of contractors and workers
• Including Limosa approval check
Great combo's
GoCompliance works great in combination with the following solutions.
Total access management solution.
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Control, regulate and monitor the access to and on your worksite from one central location.
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The most easy and efficient solution for onboarding your contractors.
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Efficiently onboard and manage your contractors from a centralised location.
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